touchPOS screenshot


Along the top of the cashier screen is the name of your store, the current date, as well as the "born by" date for purchases of alcohol and tobacco.

There will be a menu bar at the top when logged on as the administrator.

Cashier Sign Out- This is to sign out of the current user on the TouchPOS screen.

Register Discount Highlighted Item (F5)- You can use this selection or press F5 on your keyboard if you would like to discount the current highlighted item on your register screen.

Edit Highlighted Item (Control + E)- You can use this selection or press Control + E to edit the current highlighted item on your register screen.

Void Highlighted Item (- minus sign)- You can use this selection or the minus sign to void the current highlighted item on your register screen.

Item Find (Control + F)- You can use this selection or press Control + F to go to the find item screen.

Read Scale (Control + S)- You can use this selection or press Control + S to read the scale.

Refund Item (F11)- You can use this selection or press F11 to refund an item.

Misc. Non-Taxable (F7)- You can use this selection or press F7 to ring in a price that is non-taxable.

Misc. Taxable (F8)- You can use this selection or press F8 to ring in a price that is taxable.

Misc. Taxable 2 (Control + F9)- You can use this selection or press Control + F9 to ring in a price that is taxable 2.

WIC Transaction (Control + W)- Use this selection or press Control + W for a WIC transaction.


Add New Item (Control + N)- To add a new item use this selection or press Control + N.

Cash Adjustment (Control + F1)- A cash adjustment would be a cash drop for example. When you want to make a drop use this selection or press Control + F1.

Check Adjustment (Control + F2)- If a customer owes you money and they come in and hand a cashier a check, the cashier can put the check in the drawer without throwing the balance of the drawer off by using this selection or pressing Control + F2.

Print Debit/Credit Settlement (Control + P)- To print the debit/credit settlement use this selection or press Control + P.

Open Drawer Balance- Use this selection to input a drawer’s opening balance or to change the drawer’s opening balance.


Quick Cash (F1)- If a customer is paying exact cash for their purchase you can use the "Quick Cash" selection from the register screen to finish the transaction instead of going to the subtotal screen.

Cash Check (F2)- To cash a check for a customer without throwing your drawer off use this option. After selecting this option you will be prompted to choose the customer and then press "ok". You will be brought to a new screen where you will enter the amount of the check to be cashed. After entering the amount press "ok", the drawer will slide open for you to complete the transaction.

Price Inquiry (Control + I)- To do price checks for items select "Price Inquiry" or press Control + I. There are two ways you can price check an item. The first way is by inputting the UPC into the blank box on the left and pressing the "Find UPC" button. If the computer isn't able to find the item by the UPC you put in the box try searching by inputting the name or part of the name of the specific item and then pressing the "Find Item" button. You will be brought to the Find item screen with a list of the results from your search. Select the item you are looking for and press "Next". When an item is found the price check screen will show the item name, vendor sku, regular prices, and sale prices. When you are done doing price checks press the "close" button.

No Sale (F6)- To open the drawer without a sale press the "No Sale" selection or press F6.

Bottle Refund (F12)- To do a bottle return for a customer select "Bottle Refund" or press F12. On the screen that appears type in the amount of refund the customer gets and press "ok". The drawer will slide open for you to finish the transaction.

Bottle Refund Calculator (Control + F12)- To help you calculate a customer's bottle return refund use the "Bottle Refund Calculator" option or press Control + F12. On the new screen that will appear type in the amount of bottles the customer is returning next to the corresponding refund amount per bottle found in the "Each" column. The "Extended" column will show you the total refund for that row. The last two rows are designed for you to put in a refund amount per bottle that isn't shown on the screen already. The two boxes on the bottom will total the amount of bottles and the amount of the refund. Press "ok" to complete the transaction and give the customer the money for their refund.

Print Receipt (F9)- To print a receipt from a previous transaction select "Print Receipt" or press F9. This will bring up the "print receipt" screen. To sort through the receipts to find the one you want use the arrow buttons on the right of your screen. When you find the receipt you want press the "Print" button. When you are done printed receipts press the "Cancel" button.

Print Labels (Control + L)- Use this selection or press Control + L to print a label for an item. You will be brought to the find item screen, choose the item's you would like to print the label for and select "Next". The "Item Labels" screen will appear. To make scannable labels for an item or items select the "Labels" button. You will be brought to the find item screen. Choose the item's you would like to make labels for and select "Next". The "Item Labels" screen will appear. On the left corner of the new screen there will be a "mock" label. You can rearrange this label however you would like. On the right side of the screen are the "properties" for the label that you will be making. Rows Per Sheet- This is how many rows on a sheet you would like. Columns Per Sheet- This is how many columns on a sheet you would like. Left Margin- Set the left margin of your sheet (in inches). Top Margin- Set the top margin of your sheet (in inches). Starting with label- You can change which number label the labels will start printing on. If you have already used the first five labels on a sheet you can start on label number 6 by typing 6 in the "Starting with label" box. Copies Of Each- Choose how many labels you want made for each item. Landscape Layout- Check this box if your sheet is laid out in landscape form. Print Barcode- Check this box if you want the scannable barcode to print on your label. You can choose for the UPC to be the barcode or the vendor code to be the barcode. Print the Barcode Text- Check this box if you want the items barcode text to print on the label, i.e. if you gave an item the UPC of "brownie" then "brownie" will print on your label. Print Vendor/UPC Code- Check this box if you want the Vendor or UPC Code to print on your label. Print Price- Check this box if you want the price to print on your label. Press the "Print" button to the right of your screen to print the labels.

Misc. Tender 1 (Control + F7)- Use this selection or press Control + F7 to apply the misc. tender 1.

Misc. Tender 2 (Shift + F7)- Use this selection or press Shift + F7 to apply the misc. tender 2.

Messages (Control + M)- To create a message to appear when a customer or vendor makes a transaction select this option or press Control + M. The new screen will prompt you to choose if you want to make a message for a vendor or customer. After choosing vendor or customer a new screen will appear with a list of vendors or customers. Choose the vendor or customer you would like to make the message for. The Vendor/Customer information will appear, to create a message select the notes tab and input your message in the box. When you are done press "ok".


Take Order (Control + O)- Using this selection or pressing Control + O will bring you to the menu screen so you can take an order from a customer.

View Active Orders (Control + A)- Using this selection or pressing Control + A will bring you to the "Active Orders" screen where you can view the orders that have not been paid for yet.


Recall Transaction (Shift + Control + C)- To recall a transaction that you have previously saved use this selection or press Shift + Control + C. The last transaction that you have saved will appear on the subtotal screen.


Add New Customer- To add a new customer use this selection. You will be brought to the "New Customer" screen. Fill in the new customer's information and press "ok".

Edit Customer- To edit a customer use this selection. A screen will appear with a list of customers for you to choose from, when you select your customer press the "ok" button. The "Customer Properties" will appear for you to change or add any information needed. When you are done editing the customer press the "ok" button.

Gift Certificate Credit (Control + G)- To apply gift certificate credit to a customer use this selection or press Control + G. A screen will appear with a list of your customers to choose the customer that is receiving the credit. After choosing the customer press the "ok" button. The "Gift Certificate Credit" screen will appear for you to fill out accordingly.

Receive on Account (Control + R)- To receive payment on account from a customer select this option or press Control + R. A customer list will appear for you to choose which customer is paying. The "Receive Payment" screen will appear for you to fill out accordingly.

EBT Balance Inquiry (Control + T)- To check the balance of a customer's EBT card select this option or press Control + T. You will be brought to the "Debit/EBT Transaction" screen where you scan the customer's card to receive the balance.


Add New Vendor- To add a new vendor to your list select this option. You will be brought to the "New Vendor" screen where you can fill in the vendor's information and press the "ok" button when you are done to add the vendor to your list.

Edit Vendor- To edit a vendor use this selection. A list of your vendor's will appear for you to choose the one you would like to edit. After choosing a vendor you will be brought to the "Vendor Properties" screen to edit the vendor. When you are done editing the vendor press the "ok" button.

Paid Out (Control + F6)- If a vendor comes in and they need to be paid you can do this from the register. Press the "paid out" button, and select which vendor is to receive payment. A new screen will come up and the first line on the screen will show the name of the vendor you selected. The next line will ask you where the payment is coming from, cash or a checking account. The following line will show the current date. The next line will have a drop down menu with a list of your expense accounts, select the corresponding expense account. The "Memo" line is there for your convenience, many of our customers use it to put in an invoice number but the decision is up to you. In the amount line type in the amount of the payment the vendor is getting.

To issue a paid out to a vendor use this selection or press Control + F6. A list of your vendors will appear for you to choose who is receiving the paid out. After the vendor is chosen you will be brought to the "Paid Out" screen. Fill out this screen as needed and then select the "ok" button to complete the transaction.

Sign Off Button- Use this to sign off of the current Cashier.

List #1 & #2- By pressing these buttons another screen will appear with buttons designated to the items in your inventory without barcodes. By pressing the button that corresponds with the item that you want and then pressing "ok" that item will now be automatically rung up into your current transaction.

Find Item- Using this button will bring you to a "find item" screen. This is useful if you need to find an item to ring up into your current transaction. On the "find item" screen you will have a choice of how you want to narrow down your search, these choices are: by item name, item UPC code, item Vendor SKU, department, vendor, or group. Item Name- type in a name of the item you want for instance "Pepsi" and press search. All items that have Pepsi in the name will appear in the list, look through the list until you find the item you want. By clicking the item you want it will become highlighted. When it is highlighted press next and it will become part of your current transaction. Item UPC code- This search uses the barcode on the item which will narrow your search down to the exact item. Item Vendor SKU- Items on vendor invoices usually have numbers assigned to the by the vendor. When creating an item there is a spot to put this number, if you have put these numbers into the system then this search will be helpful. You can look up a vendor code off an invoice and put it into the Vendor SKU spot on the "find item" screen. The item that corresponds with that SKU will come up on the search after you press the search button. Select the item and press next. Department- Choose the department you want from the drop down menu and hit search, all the items associated with that department will appear. Scroll over until you find the item you want, click the item and then hit next. Vendor- If you know from what vendor you got the item from you can choose that vendor on the drop down list and click search. A complete list of the items that you receive from that vendor will appear. Scroll over until you find the item you want, click it and the press next. Group- If the item you want is part of a certain group of like items click the groups drop down arrow and select the group the item is apart of and press search. A list of all items in that group will appear. Scroll over until you find the item you want, click it and then press next. Fix Desc.- This button is used to switch chosen words to different words. When you choose this button a screen will appear asking you to type in the word you would like to change in the "Find This" box and then type in what you want that word to be change to in the "Replace With" then press "Next". A list of all the items that contain the word you would like to change will appear. Select the items you would like to change and press "Finish". Select None- Pressing this button will unselect any items that you have selected. Remove Selection- Pressing this button will remove any items that you have selected from the list. Remove All- This button will remove all the items on the list. Select All- Selects all of the items on the list.

Discount- If you have an item that is part of a transaction that you would like to discount click the item on the transaction list so it is highlighted and click the "Discount" button. The discount button will discount an item by percent. So type in the percent that you want to discount the item by and hit "ok". A line under the selected item will appear that will show the percent and amount of the discount.

Refund- To refund a purchase to a customer you must hit the refund button first. You will see the word "refund" appear in the upper right hand corner after you press the refund button. You can either give the customer a refund by choosing a particular item and scanning it or by scanning the customer's receipt if the entire purchase is to be refunded. After doing this the item will show up on the screen as a negative amount and the total amount to be refunded will be shown in red as a negative amount.

Scale- If your store uses a scale put the selected item on the scale and press the "scale" button. This will read the weight of the item and then a screen will come up with a list of items that can be weighed on the scale. Select the item that you are weighing. On your register screen that item and price will appear corresponding to the items weight.

No Sale- If you need to open the cash drawer without a transaction on the register press this button. The cash drawer will automatically slide open.

Bottle Return- If a customer is returning bottles to you press this button and type in the amount of the bottle return that the customer should receive and press "ok". The cash drawer will slide open so you can give the customer the amount of money they should receive.

Price Inquire - allows you to scan an item to check the price and avoids having to void the item

Menu- Use this button to get to your food menu screen.

Orders- To look up current customer orders just press this button. A new screen will appear that has all the current orders that have not been paid for. They will have a number, name/location, what the customer ordered, date, time, quantity of that item, and how much the price is. To ring up an order from this screen highlight the order you want and press ok. You will be brought back to the register screen and the order you selected will be rung up.

Recall - recall a suspended transaction - a transaction may need to be suspended for example, to allow the customer to go out to their car to get their wallet.

KB- By hitting this button a keyboard will appear on your screen.

Receipt- Using this button will bring up a screen with the most recent receipt on your screen with an option to print, or you can use the arrow buttons to cycle through any other transactions you have done that day. You can print any of these receipts.

Cash- If a customer is paying for their subtotal in exact cash you can use this button instead of going to the subtotal screen. The cash drawer will slide out for you to put the money receipted into the drawer.

Check Redeem- If a customer comes in and would like you to cash a check for them press this button. A screen will come up with a list of customers on it. Find the customer's name, if it is not on the list select the new button to add the customer. After selecting the customer another screen will appear where you put in the amount of the check select the "ok" button when the correct amount has been entered. The cash drawer will slide open for you to complete the transaction.

Misc Tender 1 Out - If a customer brings in redeemable scratch tickets and would like cash for the amount that the tickets are good for select this button. A screen will appear for you to put the amount the winnings of the scratch tickets. Put in the amount and select "ok". The cash drawer will slide out for you to give the customer the amount the tickets are good for.

Misc Tender 2 Out. Out- Use this button for customers who bring in winning online tickets (i.e.: megabucks, powerball, etc.). A screen will appear for you to put in the amount of the tickets. Press "ok" when the correct amount is put in for the cash drawer to slide out so you can give the customer their money.

Misc Non Tax- If an item is not scannable and is not taxable you can type in the price of the item manually on the register screen and then click the "Misc. Non Tax" button. A Misc. Non Tax item will appear on the transaction lines for the amount you entered. Continue as normal with the transaction.

Misc Tax 1 & 2- These buttons are just like the Misc. Non Tax button except they are each assigned a specific tax rate. So if the item is taxable but not scannable you type in the price of the item and then click the corresponding tax button. A taxable item will appear on the transaction line for the amount you entered and the corresponding tax will be applied to it. Continue as normal.

Void Line- If you rang up an item for a transaction and then the customer decides they don't want the item anymore click the item they don't want and then click the void line. The chosen item will be removed from the transaction.

Void Qty 1- If you ring up 5 packs of the same gum for a customer and they then decide they only want 4 packs instead of 5 highlight the gum on the transaction line and click the "void qty 1" button. The line that had the 5 packs of gum goes down in quantity to 4 packs of gum.

Edit- This button enables you to edit an item that has been rung up in a transaction. If an item rings up with the wrong price just highlight the item and press the edit button, this will bring you to the edit item screen where you can change the price and information of that item.

6 Department / Quick Items buttons- These buttons are customizable. They are usually used for gas and your most popular item. To assign an item to the button just right click the button you want to use and you will be brought to the find item screen. When you find the item you want highlight it and click next. The item will now be linked to the button you chose. When someone brings that item up to the counter you don't have to scan it, all you have to do is press the corresponding button. To use them as gas buttons put each of your different grades (i.e. regular, mid, super, and diesel) as their own button. When a customer comes in and says they got $20.00 regular just type in 2000 and then hit the regular button. $20.00 of regular fuel will appear on the transaction line.

@- You can use this button to put multiples of an item into a customer's transaction and only scan the item once. For example: If a customer wants 6 packs of the same exact type of gum type in the amount, "6", from the number pad on the right of your screen and then hit the "@" button and then scan one pack of gum. 6 packs of the gum will ring into the transaction.

Subtotal- Use this button to enter the subtotal mode to finalize the transaction.

Support - Double-click on our logo to instantly access online support. You can connect to one of our technical support staff immediately. They will be able to see your screen and help you right away.