JPOS touchPOS Features

Cash Drawer image

Star Printer Magellan Scanner
  • Easy to learn - designed & written by a store owner with feedback from our many retail businesses
  • New cashiers can be trained and up and running in less than 15 minutes
  • Remote access - connect to your business using jwebPOS on any internet capable device, phone, tablet, pc, mac...
  • Credit, Debit & EBT card processing using high speed internet connection - FAST!
  • Item Prices and Subtotal are displayed boldly so your customers can see them easily
  • Price look-ups by UPC, description, vendor, vendor SKU, department or group
  • Charge accounts are a breeze to set up on the fly and optionally display the customer's current balance automatically
  • Customizable for any retail environment - many of the functions may be turned on or off depending on your needs
  • EBT transactions have never been easier - no need to pre-determine if the customer is using an EBT card
  • Check out time is greatly reduced
  • Sale prices are activated & de-activated automatically. Set up sale prices and dates and then forget about it!
  • Many built-in reports! Whatever useful information you need, it's in there.
  • Up to 4 levels for quantity pricing for both on-sale and regular prices
  • Built-in digital scale interface for catch weight items
  • Easily find and print any receipt from any transaction from any day
  • Search transactions for discounts, specific items, customer, amount, specific tender type...
  • Simplifies tracking of customer charge accounts - no more fumbling at the check-out counter
  • Complete back-up takes less than 5 minutes with the included back-up software
  • Built-in password security - for Administrators, Cashiers - protect information from unauthorized access.
  • Video rental functionality is included. Tracks videos, late fees, etc
  • Holds 64,000+ SKUs
  • Line item discounts & General discounts
  • Group feature for similar priced items - adjust the retail price & sale dates for one item and all items in the group are also updated instantly
  • Mix & Match pricing
  • Print labels directly from POS software
  • Quickbooks interface - both Desktop and QB Online versions
  • ZERO FEE Gift Card processing - we can print your gift cards using your custom graphics
  • Much much more!